
今年你最想去哪里旅行?地球上的任何地方似乎都不再新奇了。我有一个大胆的想法,不如我们去太空旅行怎么样?人类对神秘、浪漫、魅力无穷的太空的探索从未止步,“太空旅游 Space Tourism”的概念很早就被提出,但要实现它,建设完善的太空健康和医疗体系是必要条件

Le savez-vous?emlyon的MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence 健康产业数字化管理专业硕士项目中有一个很独特、有趣的模块【太空健康Space Health】学生与行业专家共同参与,一起bring the Space down to Earth!走吧,一起坐上emlyon的火箭去探索新世界吧!

“Space Health太空健康”模块与法国里昂商学院“Transforming Early Makers”的创客先锋精神理念和美国宇航局(NASA)人类研究计划Human Research Program(HRP)欧洲航天局(ESA)法国国家研究中心(CNES)对齐,汇集了多名学生、太空健康领域的医生、科学家和技术人员,同时也获得了权威的学术和企业指导。Space Health模块的目标是为未来的太空旅行者提出解决方案,重点关注以下领域:医疗监测、医疗问题、隔离睡眠、睡眠管理、营养、大脑活动、太空旅行的心理影响、小群体的认知行为、非亲密环境中的性活动、有探测太空旅行背景下的行为变化。

凡尔赛警告!浅浅介绍一下我们MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence Space Health Module的合作机构吧!



▲ 图片来源:NASA官网


欧洲航天局(European Space Agency ESA),成立于1975年,是一个致力于探索太空的组织,拥有22个成员国,总部设在巴黎。其太空飞行计划包括载人航天(主要通过参与国际空间站计划),发射和运行其他行星和月球的无人探测任务;地球观察,科学和通信;设计运载火箭;保持主要的航天发射场。


法国国家空间研究中心(Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales CNES), 成立于1961年,负责塑造和实施欧洲法国太空政策的政府机构,其使命是创造未来的空间系统,使空间技术成熟,保证法国进入太空的独立性。

"Transforming Early Makers"


Céline Fantin

Program Director of MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence,emlyon business school

Julia Fleck

Program Director of MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence,Mines-Saint-Étienne

医疗保健领域的决策者比以往任何时候都更需要具备多种能力和技能。他们不仅需要了解医疗保健生态系统和利益相关者的知识,还需要有效地处理医疗数据。这些数据有潜力改善和优化药物的挖掘和推出,增强和个性化病人的体验以及彻底改变病人的护理路径。我们的MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence项目将使学生能够深度参与进数据分析的领域中。我们致力于培养出领导者,他们将通过创新、负责任的管理、有效的数据使用来颠覆医疗保健行业。

More than ever, decision-makers in healthcare are expected to possess multiple competencies.

Not only must they be knowledgeable of the

healthcare ecosystem and stakeholders, but

they must also effectively handle healthcare

data. These data have the potential to improve drug discovery and delivery, to enhance and personalize the patient experience, and to revolutionize the patient care pathway. Our program will empower students to participate in the data analytics pipeline. We will train leaders who will disrupt the healthcare sector through innovation, responsible management, and effective data usage.

Florencio Travieso

ex Program Director of MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence

我们一致认为学习过程比最终结果和产出更加重要,希望让学生有真正的改变,在群体中工作,受益于行业权威机构和专家的专业知识,并对现有太空旅行健康相关问题做出积极的回应,提出有效的想法或方案,尤其是考虑到人类过去几年特殊的健康生存环境。项目结构经过深思熟虑,为学生提供所需的专业支持与资源,共同探索潜在解决方案以及对于如何有效地实施这些方案给予指导。通过小组工作,直接接触该领域的专业人士以及客座嘉宾(例如宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院精神病学主任和教授Mathias Basner等大咖),每个学生团队都从特定的角度研究一个核心太空健康问题,并向参与的专家提出建议,以实现所有人的共同利益。

For Program Director Florencio Travieso, the learning process outweighs the end product: “we want to shake our students up a bit, work in a hive, benefit from industry expertise and provide an aggressive response to the issue, especially given the health context in which we have been living these past couple of years. All aided and abetted via a carefully thought-out program structure designed to help students identify the issues in question, explore potential solutions, and then propose how to implement them.

Adrien Chenderoff

Student of MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence

我认为Space Health这类教学模块和项目的好处显而易见,因为我很感兴趣也一直很想成为尝试实现太空旅行的先驱之一。一直以来,我都非常希望能为宇航员提供解决方案,为人类做出积极的贡献,揭开宇宙的奥秘。之前有机会参加了NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration TRIS研究员Matt Gaidica 的讲座,让我们深入了解空间和地球类似物,以帮助宇航员解决与睡眠,压力和认知表现有关的问题。这些是进入太空时要考虑的非常重要的方面。复制和模拟地球上太空环境的创造力令人着迷,有助于将太空旅行提升到另一个层次!这次讲座后,我对太空健康越来越兴奋了!

在Space Health模块中每个学生都扮演着寻找想法、面对现实并将其转化为可行解决方案的角色。我学习了从想法到解决方案概念化的整个过程。我必须把自己融入到一个团队中,与来自不同文化背景的合作伙伴一起工作。我确信我所做的一切从学术专业知识和商业角度来看都是有极大价值的。

Today, I had the chance to attend a lecture from the NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration TRISH researcher Matt Gaidica to enlighten us on Space & Earth analogs to help astronauts' issues related to sleep, stress, and cognitive performance.

These are the very important aspect to consider when going into space. The creativity to replicate and simulate the space environment on Earth is just fascinating and helps a lot to bring space travel to another level! More & more excited about Space Health!

Graham Mackintosh

NASA  Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division

AI Projects Consultant

Space Health模块提供双赢的学习体验,作为NASA超级计算机项目的人工智能研究人员,我在太空健康项目中为学生们做了一场讲座,讨论与太空生活相关的独特健康挑战,以及如何利用解决这些挑战的创新方案未来在地球上创造新的医疗保健商业机会。这门课程也给了我很大的启发,让我对目前工作中的某一细分研究领域有了新见解,其中一个学生团队正在研究使用生物标记物的可能性,比如一个人肠道微生物群的变化,来测量一个人的压力水平。这对我来说是一个新想法,听起来是个令人兴奋的概念。”

The win-win learning experience provided by the program module is echoed by Graham Mackintosh,AI Projects Consultant, NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division: “As an AI researcher working on projects at NASA, I gave a lecture to the students in the Space Health course to discuss the unique health challenges associated with life in space, and the ways in which the innovations that address those challenges can be used to create new healthcare business opportunities here on Earth.”

Clarissa Gorin

Ad Scientiam

Medical Innovation Manager

Space Health模块研究的是正在激烈讨论中的重要话题,随着今年首次游客太空飞行Space tourism/space tourist的组织,相关人士开始质疑和思考太空民主化带来的全新挑战,尤其是在健康方面。这门课程结合了新技术和医疗问题,特别是在远程连接健康和健康行为变化方面,处于当代话题创新的前沿。同时也与学生讨论包括数字生物标记物在内的新技术所提供的机会,以实现对生理和行为健康结果的远程监测。

As Clarissa Gorin, Medical Innovation Manager at Ad Scientiam, observes, such matters are very much on the table as we speak: “As the first space tourist flights were organised this year, it is interesting to start questioning the new challenges that this democratization of space induces, especially on health. This course combines new technologies and medical issues, especially in terms of remote connected health and health behaviour changes and is at the forefront of innovation on contemporary topics.”

Nidhi Bhatnagar

Student of MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence

Space Health模块与emlyon的Transforming Early Makers计划相吻合应该不足为奇,因为TEM的底层逻辑正是冒险探索新的未开发领域,以寻找解决方案和创新。作为TEM项目的一部分,我参与了太空健康模块。在太空健康方面的工作可以作为一个孵化器,为地球上现有的问题测试想法和开发新的创新解决方案。太空健康知识给人类提供了一个新的维度来理解身体对外部环境压力的反应,并对其进行调整。这过程教会了我如何系统地处理问题,并利用各种理论和模型探索可能的创新解决方案。作为一名公共卫生专家,从TEM学习的每一项技能都将指导我未来的学术和咨询任务。

Current student Nidhi Bhatnagar concurs: It should come as no surprise that this module dovetails with emlyon business school’s Transforming Early Makers scheme.“which has always ventured on the new unexplored areas to find solutions and innovations. I got involved in the space health course as a part of my TEM project.Working on space health can serve as an incubator for testing ideas and developing new innovative solutions for existing problems on Earth. The knowledge of health in Space gives mankind a new dimension to understand the body’s response to external environment stressors and modifying the same.”



Lifelong learning, in Space and on Terra Firma

MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence






圣埃蒂安矿业学院École des Mines de Saint-Étienne始建于1816年,隶属于法国经济工业及就业部,是法国国立高等矿业电信学校联盟(Institut Mines-Télécom IMT)的成员之一。学校的科研实力与教学水平,在法国和国际均享有盛誉,其权威排名稳居法国一流学校行列。



